A small, independent publisher of serial fiction, as well as traditional formats of science fiction, and fantasy, Bookmite Press officially opened for business on February 1, 2013.
About our serials
Bookmite Press aims to be a home for high-quality fiction, but not like most Independent publishers. There are lots of marvelous Independent presses, and we applaud their successes. Every publishing success means books are getting into the hands of readers, and we like that. Bookmite Press wants to present readers with stories released in episodes, parts, and sundry other segments in e-book and/or print formats. Our fondest hope is that readers will find our stories so engaging that no matter where they buy them, they’ll feel like they’ve returned to the days of yore when people rushed to bookstores and news stands to buy the latest episode or chapter of a story.
We see a trend for readers to be highly engaged in fiction that is episodic in some way, and we think that’s partly because readers are very busy people! We know that’s true, because everyone at Bookmite Press is an avid reader, and we are all very busy people. Sometimes, readers only have time to devour a short piece of fiction during a lunch break or commute or in short spurts over several days. But, readers also have told us that they don’t want to limit their reading to short stories. They want longer works, too. We’d like to facilitate a return to that once upon a time when readers grew their fiction collections one piece at a time and coveted the collections of other readers. We hope you’ll join us in our journey.